世界大师定向锦标赛 - 来自38个国家的1480个条目

An enthusiastic organising team in Hungary is delighted to be able to go ahead with this year’s World Masters Orienteering Championships (WMOC) starting on Saturday 7 August, and with few restrictions on everyday life in the country now, there are very few changes to standard arrangements and procedures. Travel restrictions and the general uncertainty has led to an event about one-third the usual size, but it promises to be no less competitive than usual despite that.




The home country has the largest number of competitors, 350, followed by Finland with 187, Sweden 166, Norway 122 and the Czech Republic 113. Ages range from 35 to 95. There is also a 5-day ‘WOC Tour’, using the same starts and finishes after WMOC competitors have been through.
